We protect your privacy.

Last Updated Jan 24, 2024

Data Collection And Use

Account Data

When you sign up for an account on Charge Health, you are asked to enter your phone number, name, hospital, role, username, and age. This data is used to identify you to other Charge Health users and makes it easy for your colleagues to find your account on the service. If you provide your hospital, you will be listed in the co-workers section of the app and your colleagues will be able to request to be friends with you.

Contacts Data

When signing up for an account on Charge Health, you have the option to give Charge Health access to your address book to find co-workers on Charge Health. We will use your Contacts in order to identify other Users that you may know or that your Contacts may know and to provide you and other Users with suggestions with whom to connect, such as co-workers you may not have met before. We may also present your Contacts as options in polls, both for you and for others. Choosing a Contact in polls may send them an invitation to join Charge Health, which will come from Charge Health (so that the sender remains anonymous).

You can invite friends to join Charge Health by sending them a text message with a link to install the app. The invitation may include your hospital name and the names of your co-workers on Charge Health. We do not automatically send messages to your co-workers on your behalf. Instead, you have to send the message yourself. This means you're always in control of what messages you send to your colleagues.

Activity Data

When you use the app, we automatically collect certain information about your device (such as the type of device, operating system, IP address, and unique identifiers) and how you interact with the app (such as the actions you take and how long you use the app). We use this information to improve the app, create new features, and keep our systems secure.

How We Disclose Data

We do not share your data with third parties for advertising. However, we may disclose it to third parties as required by law.

How You Share Data

You can use Charge Health to answer polls about your co-workers. When answering a poll, we send your response to your co-worker via the App and it includes your role. Your colleague may reveal your name if they utilize the “see who chose me” functionality.

Data Retention

We keep your data until we don’t need it for the purposes described in this policy and we have no legal obligation to keep it.

Changes To This Policy

We may need to update this policy to account for changes in our business and applicable laws. If we change this policy, we will post the new version here. If the changes are significant we will notify you through the app.

Deleting Your Account

You can delete your account by clicking on your profile, tapping the settings icon, and selecting “Delete My Account”.

Contact Us

Please email us at with any questions.